We've always heard how a picture can communicate so much more than words alone and many friends have asked to me share or show or email or post my photographs of my hometown, Joplin, MO, in the aftermath of the May 22nd record-setting tornado.
Yet, despite the value of photographs, I want to tell you what my brother told me before I returned to Joplin about two weeks after the disaster: no matter how many photos or videos you see, pictures cannot compare to seeing it yourself. After two days of driving and walking the area and taking pictures, on the late afternoon of the second day, I went out again and felt as stunned by the sight as I had when I first saw it.
Nothing can do this justice, but here are about twenty of my best shots.

It would be nice to know the locaitons, but I understand that is not exactly easy. Thanks for the photos. Rob
Thanks for taking the time to post pictures Janet. It makes me so sad to see that and think of all the people without homes and some without all their lifelong collections of photos and memories. Your pictures are great.
Rob, I agree with you and, time permiting I will go back in and add some location info. But I didn't want to wait any longer to get these up. Janet T.
The only place I recognize is the hospital! Wonder if my parents' house is still there? As far as I know, my remaining family is fine. Missed it by two blocks. All the people of Joplin are in my prayers. I just can't wrap my mind around the magnitude of it!
Susan, if you are thinking of your parents' house in Royal Heights, which is the only one I remember, it should be fine. The damage is all south of 7th, mostly south of 15th.
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