I guess we all know that pumpkin carving and Halloween decorating is turning into a veritable art form. I just think this effort by a neighbor down the shore a bit deserves exposure beyond those of us who drive by!!

For several days, I've been watching as more and more carved pumpkins have shown up on racks in the nearby town center. I've never seen anything quite like this!
Of course a web search solved the mystery of the pumpkin racks and the daily increases in carved pumpkins showing up in Highwood all through the past week. And the answer is:
an attempt at a Guiness Book of World Record
This Saturday in Highland Park from 10AM to 5PM -- one day only! --
you will be able to drop off clean, white packing styrofoam (the
bulky stuff that electronics get packed in) for RECYCLING! Usually,
it goes into landfill.
On Saturday, you can recycle it in Highland Park at the Hidden Creek
AquaPark on Fredrickson at Central, near Route 41.
Lake County Board member Anne Bassi arranged with Moraine Township,
the Park District of Highland Park and Abt Electronics to
conveniently drop off styrofoam at Hidden Creek.
Abt Electronics has a machine that processes the bulky styrofoam into
condensed, reusable material that they send to China for re-use.
Customers can drop off such materials to Abt in Glenview all through
the year, but they have generously agreed to bring a 53 foot trailer
to the Hidden Creek parking lot to make it irresistibly easy for us
to recycle this troublesome material.
If this project is successful, we plan to repeat it. Please help us!